Long Distance - Does it work?

Dress - Pineapple Lace (GET HERE)

Boots - Sam Edelman (GET HERE)

Watch - Kapten and Son (GET HERE)


Dress - Minkpink (GET HERE)

Sunnies - LeSpecs (GET HERE)

Shoes - Steve Madden (SIMILAR HERE)

Bag - Michael Kors (SIMILAR HERE)

Do you know the feeling when you have a long list of things you want to get done on a Sunday but all you end up doing is lay in bed watching movies? Yup me, too. Since two weeks my suitcases are laying around, untouched because it is way too cold to wear any of it either way but as I am flying to New York on Friday I will need to tackle that task soon. Some of you guys have asked me what I am doing in New York the whole time and even my friends are getting confused with where I live at the moment. This summer after I finished my bachelor's I decided to take a short break and move to New York to work on my blog and meet new people - which I did, great people. Now I am back in Frankfurt for three months until the end of December working and seeing all my friends I don't get to see that often. At the end of December I'm going back to NYC for an internship, which I am super excited about.

New York Street Art

Top - Waverly Grey (GET HERE)

Shorts - ZARA (GET HERE)

Shoes - Public Desire (GET HERE)

Sunnies - Dior (GET HERE)

Black Pinstripes Culottes in Dumbo

Shirt - Asos (SIMILAR HERE)

Culottes - Her Velvet Vase (SIMILAR HERE)

Shoes - Birkenstock (GET HERE)

Body Chain - Forever 21 (SIMILAR HERE)

Sunnies - Ray Ban (GET HERE)

Floral Overdose

Sunnies - Dior (GET HERE)

Dress - SheIn (GET HERE)

Choker - Necessary Clothing (SIMILAR HERE)

Shoes - Forever 21 (SIMILAR HERE)

Upper East Side Feels

Dress - LF

Shoes - Public Desire (GET HERE)

Watch - Kapten & Son (GET HERE)

Celine Luggage in SoHo

The weather has been so indecisive this week from cold to warm from sunny to rainy - and both days I wanted to shoot an outfit it started raining, of course. Alexis and I made the best out of it, embraced the rain and took a few shots. Needless to say my hair was much curlier but one drop of water and my hair is as flat as it gets. I love pairing a cozy sweater with skirts and shorts in the summer and adding some wedges to make it look less like fall. The bag I got via Trendlee which sells second hand bags online and has a huge variety of brands. I chose the grey Celine Luggage because it's a nice classic but after using it a few times I would rather recommend to get a smaller size not only because it looks less bulky but also because big handbags are always used to throw everything inside, which makes it feel less valuable if you know what I mean.

Walking the streets of Soho

These are some of my favorite photos taken in the city so far. Luc is such a talent and has a great eye for aesthetics. I haven't uploaded more outfits this week because I got sick. New York is in this insane heat wave at the moment and changing from super hot to super cold was too much to handle for my very weak immune system. After a week of bed rest (as much as I could handle because quite frankly I don't do well with that) I've taken my friend out to a city bike tour to Brooklyn today which was so much fun. This was also my first time really exploring Brooklyn - or parts of it - because Manhattan has so much to offer, I haven't even seen everything there. We decided to start in the East Village, go all the way down to the Williamsburg Bridge - which was rather exhausting if you haven't worked out in a while - and then explored the area and ended up at the Brooklyn Bridge. This is a really fun route and also offers many city bike docking stations so you don't go over the allowed 30 minutes. I love having friends from home here because I get to do all the touristy things, New Yorker's don't like doing.

Lippen unterspritzen lassen - Meine Erfahrung

In der heutigen Zeit sieht man es immer öfter – Menschen gefällt etwas nicht und mit wenigen Griffen kann man es schnell ändern. Lange habe ich mir überlegt ob ich meine eigene Unsicherheit verändern möchte. 6 Jahre habe ich mir das durch den Kopf gehen lassen und von meinem Umfeld habe ich immer nur gehört ich soll es sein lassen und das wäre doch nicht nötig, aber für mich waren es nicht nur schmale Lippen, ich fühlte mich einfach unwohl damit. Und damit habe ich den Schritt gewagt von dem ich ewig geträumt habe – ich habe mir meine Lippen unterspritzen lassen. Ein weiterer Grund dafür, dass ich so lange gewartet habe hatte auch damit zu tun, dass ich selber niemanden kannte der diesen Eingriff hat machen lassen und ich deshalb auch keinen guten Arzt kannte. Anfang diesen Jahres hat mir eine Freundin aber von einer Ärztin in Köln erzählt, die ihr von einer Freundin empfohlen wurde. Nachdem ich dann ein bisschen recherchiert habe und nur Gutes über das Institut gelesen habe und wusste, dass der Eingriff nicht lange dauert und man nicht für eine Nachuntersuchung zurück muss entschied ich mich den Eingriff in Köln zu machen, bei dem Hyaluroninstitut.

New York Update - Month 1

So schnell geht es und da ist der erste Monat in New York auch schon rum. Was habe ich erlebt und gemacht bisher? Die Frage bekomme ich oft und dazu auch was ich in meinem Alltag so treibe.

Wie findet man am besten ein Apartment in New York?

Wie findet man ein Zimmer oder Apartment in New York?

Jeder der schon mal in New York war ob beruflich oder privat weiß wie schwer es ist eine Unterkunft zu finden. Letztes Jahr habe ich mit einer Freundin in East Harlem gewohnt, aber das war mir zu weit weg von dem Geschehen. Diesen Sommer wollte ich gerne zentraler wohnen, aber ohne vor Ort zu sein ist es immer schwierig in New York etwas zu finden. AirBnB ist eine gute Anlaufstelle, aber das würde ich euch nur empfehlen wenn ihr ein paar Tage nach New York kommt, weil die Preise viel zu hoch sind hochgerechnet auf eine monatliche Basis. Alternativ gibt es auch noch Wg-gesucht und roommates, aber da findet man auch nicht immer etwas. Besonders bei Craigslist muss man aber aufpassen. Ich habe zwei Freundinnen, die auf der Seite ein Zimmer gemietet haben und die erste Monatsmiete vorher bezahlt haben und es das Zimmer leider nie gab und sie dadurch eine Menge Geld verloren haben. Deshalb habe ich mir dieses Sommer eine Alternative rausgesucht 'Manhattan Next'

Eyebrow embroidery review - Brow Art Asia

A few weeks ago I decided to do something I have been wanting to try for a while now – eyebrow embroidery. If you are like me and love your eyebrows to be expressive, this is the perfect way to do it. I used to either use powder or a kind of gel to fill in my eyebrows (I can really recommend the one from Make-up forever) but it took about 10 minutes in the morning. When I saw that Brow Art Asia was offering it at a special price I thought why not try it – and I am so happy I did because I love the result. Continue reading and I will explain the process and show you some before and after photos.

Singapore Outfit

Good morning, I am currently writing my capstone assignment and therefore my last remaining assignment before my graduation. As the weather is amazing right now I used the time to sort through my pc and delete some photos as my mac is getting a little slower and found these photos from January. It was pretty much in the beginning when Ranim was visiting me and I was as pale as always but I really liked the outfit and wanted to show it to you. I bought the shoes in December from Mango and they are among the most comfortable heels I own. Normally I am a bit sceptic towards Zara and Mango shoes but these are super comfortable - I can only recommend them. With Zara on the other hand I didn't always have the best experience regarding comfort and as much as we would like to admit we would wear them anyway - we really don't, right?

Goodbye blue hair - See you never again!

Two weeks ago I was on my way to the airport in Singapore, headed home. I didn’t need any time to adjust, I was just so happy to be back, to be able to wear pants and a blouse without having the feeling of being super sweaty within five minutes of leaving my apartment. The humidity is just so insane and Singapore is one of these countries that likes to cool everything down to a level where you need an extra jacket about everywhere you go. I tried to combine something simple as my hair already speaks for itself but to be honest, it’s so difficult to find something matching to this hair color because barely any blue in my wardrobe resembled my hair color and any other color simply doesn’t fit as well. If you are contemplating coloring your hair in any crazy color – blue included – I can wholeheartedly recommend you not to do it. It’s so bad for your hair to get it colored and then get rid of it again – or like in my case fail to get rid of it. The hairdresser told me there’s nothing else he could do for me – fortunately the blue only shines through occasionally. Anyway I am off to Maastricht now to take an exam and then plan my trip to Greece in two weeks.


Coming home - and so does my new pleated maxi skirt

Hi loves, I am just sitting at the airport in Dubai waiting for my connecting flight to Frankfurt to start boarding. You have no idea how excited I am to head back to Germany. I have lived abroad for longer periods before, three times in total (California, New York and Maastricht) but never have I felt an urge to go back to Germany but Asia is a completely different world, a world I am not sure I can live in for longer periods of time. Singapore is termed as 'Asia Light' from many and I do agree but still it's very Asian. After traveling to Kuala Lumpur, Langkawi, Phuket, Boracay, Cebu and almost all of Vietnam I think I am done with Asia for a while. It's been a blessing and an amazing experience to live in Singapore but it's also a crazy change. The biggest and also worst change for me was the food - although you can get any kind of food in Singapore, it comes at a price. When you compare prices at hawker centers (meals ranging from 5-10$) to restaurants (around 20-30$) this is a huge difference on a daily basis. Another thing that frustrated me was the bad English of many people living in Singapore. Although English is the official language spoken in Singapore still many cannot speak the language well which makes it hard to communicate. I am sure I will return to Asia but for now I am looking forward to Western influences and my summer in New York. In the next few days I will write my travel diaries from the Philippines, Phuket and Vietnam so if you have any questions just post them in the comment section :)

Black and White - A stroll through Singapore's most Beautiful Places

Hey Girls! Another beautiful day in Singapore, unfortunately my last days are counted here. Literally days. At the end of April I will be moving out of my apartment and then will be headed to Hong Kong for a few days before exploring Vietnam and Cambodia. My outfit posts have been getting a little less lately because I have been traveling so much but I will take some more and keep you updated. On Snapchat you can always follow my daily adventures and on Instagram you will find more photos and stories of my travel destinations. Next week I will post a little Sydney photo diary so if you're interested come check it out!

Lolita's Lash and Beauty Studio Refill Review

Hello lovelies, It's time for a new lash refill and a new style this time. I opted for a different style to find the lashes that suit my eyes the best - this time I went for Single lashes that made the look more dramatic where the outer lashes were longer than the inner lashes. Its easy to see the difference when looking at the before and after picture. My natural lashes have the same length, whereas in the extensions they are increasing from the inside to the outside. I also really liked this look, just like the volume look I had the last time but the only downturn to these lashes were that they didn't last that long. This might have been due to the amount of swimming in the sea or that they were applied differently than the volume lashes. Nevertheless, I must say once you get the lash extensions you get hooked to them because mascara is every girls must wear make up to leave the house. If you have any questions about the procedure or which look might suit you the best, shoot me a message or leave a comment.



Edgy with a hint of gold in Singapore

Happy Thursday! I hope it doesn't frustrate you that I mainly post pictures in shorts and skirts but it's just so warm here. The time here in Singapore flies, I have been here for over 10 weeks already and I am almost halfway through my exchange and enjoying every moment of it - one of the reasons there aren't that many posts on here anymore but you can find many more impressions on my instagram account. On Thursday I am flying to Phuket with my friends and the following week I will be visiting my friend in Sydney. I've never been to Australia so I am super excited for this trip - many beach and vacation pictures will follow!
Happy Monday! Ich hoffe es frustriert euch nicht, dass es von mir nur Sommer Looks gibt, aber hier sind es täglich zwischen 30 und 34 Grad deswegen trage ich am liebsten luftige Röcke, Shorts und Kleider. Ich bin schon seit 10 Wochen in Singapur und habe bald schon die Hälfte meines Auslandssemesters hinter mir! Die Zeit vergeht hier einfach so schnell und ich genieße es hier so sehr, deshalb habt ihr auch weniger auf meinem Blog, aber dafür viel mehr auf meinem Instagram account gesehen. Am Donnerstag geht es für mich nach Phuket mit meinen Mädels hier und nächste Woche gehe ich meine Freundin in Sydney besuchen. Ihr werdet also in nächster Zeit ganz viele Strand und Urlaubsbilder von mir zu sehen bekommen.

What to do in Langkawi - Travel guide

The past weekend I went on my second trip and got to explore a beautiful island in Malaysia - Langkawi. Before I went on my exchange I've never heard of this island but a few of my friends have been there before and told me not to miss out on this island - so of course I don't want to withhold this treasure with you. The island is pretty small and ideal for renting a scooter and discovering the island for a day. I would recommend you to stay at a hotel at Cenang Beach because that city is the most developed and touristy - which basically only means it has a few restaurants and bars on the beach but as it is not that touristic yet it's the perfect location. I stayed a total of three nights which was the perfect length to discover everything. The highlights of my trip included:


Letztes Wochenende bin ich zu meinem zweiten Trip aufgebrochen und habe eine super schöne Insel erkunden können. Die Insel heißt Langkawi und gehört zu Malaysia. Bevor ich mein Auslandssemester gestartet habe habe ich von der Insel noch nichts gehört und ich denke zu Recht. Die Insel ist recht klein, man kann sie prima innerhalb ein paar Stunden mit dem Roller umrunden und touristisch überlaufen ist sie auch noch nicht. Ich bin in ein Hotel am Cenang Beach gegangen weil das die touristischste Gegend ist. Jetzt könnte man natürlich denken wieso sollte man gerade zur touristischsten Gegend gehen? Die Antwort ist eigentlich ganz einfach – touristisch heißt hier lediglich ein paar Restaurant, wenige Bars und ein paar kleine Restaurants und Bars am Strand. Besonders die Einwohner sind super herzlich und nett auf der Insel und man hat sich Willkommen gefühlt. Ich war ingesamt 3 Nächte da und denke, dass das ausreichend war. Hier sind ein paar Highlights von meinem Trip:

Cable Car & Sky Bridge Walk

I would say if Langkawi has a famous sight it would be the Cable Car and Sky Bridge. Already while taking the cable car up the mountain you will have great views of the island but once arrived at the top you will be rewarded with a breathtaking all around view of the island and the island is just so beautiful also because of its nature reserve. I would advise you to either go in the morning or get an express ticket (which isn’t much more expensive) otherwise you will be stuck in the line to go up for a few hours.

Peachy Casual Look

Happy Friday everyone! I had a late breakfast today and explored my yet favorite cafe with the most amazing breakfast and a great work environment. Although I have only been here since almost three weeks I miss Western food - a lot. I am more than happy that I found this cafe and have a few more on my list to experience in the next few days and weeks. So many people tell me I should really experience the Asian cuisine and try all their food but I simply am not the biggest fan and that's okay. Everyone is different. I'd rather try all the cute little individual cafe's offering pancakes and waffles and getting to know locals there. And although I am not the biggest fan of the asian cuisine I really like Singapore. I am a summer person and I love the great weather here, it's around 30 degrees here every day, day and night. I share a condo with 5 other girls and it's so much fun, I've never lived with a bunch of friends together before, it's a great experience and we are going to plan our first trip tonight, I can wait to find out what we will end up deciding.

Lolita's Lash & Beauty Studio Review | Novalash Review

Lolita's Lash & Beauty Studio

Vielleicht habt ihr es schon mitbekommen durch meine Snapchat Story oder habt es auf Instagram gesehen - ich habe mich dazu entschlossen die Wimpern verlängern zu lassen hier in Singapur. Ich habe mich dazu entschieden, weil es einfach viel entspannter ist und ich am Morgen nicht so viel Zeit mit meinen Wimpern verbringen muss. Online habe ich mir Lolita's Lash & Beauty Studio rausgesucht, weil ich einige gute Bewertungen gesehen habe und mir anschließend ein paar von den vorher/nachher Bildern angeschaut habe, die mir zugesagt haben. Ich hatte mir vorab einen Look bei einer Kundin rausgesucht, aber Jocelyn, die den Look bei mir ausgeführt hat, hat mir direkt gesagt, dass jede Wimpernverlängerung bei jedem anders aussieht. Jocelyn hat mich beraten die 200/200 volume lashes zu nehmen und ich war wirklich begeistert von dem Resultat. Normalerweise tusche ich mir immer mit zwei Wimperntuschen die Wimpern und lasse die erst Lage kurz trocknen bevor ich die zweite auftrage und mit der Wimpernverlängerung brauche ich überhaupt keine Wimperntusche mehr. Die Behandlung hat ca. 2 Stunden gedauert und 160€ gekostet für ein neues Set. Falls es euch auch einmal nach Singapur zieht kann ich euch Jocelyn als certified Novalash Trainerin nur empfehlen.
Es gibt immer ein paar allgemeine Fragen die ich öfter gefragt werde also fasse ich die mal eben zusammen:

Wie oft muss man sich die Wimpern auffüllen lassen?
Ich würde empfehlen alle 3-4 Wochen einen Termin zu machen, weil die Wimpern werden an die natürlichen Wimpern geklebt und diese fallen hin und wieder aus.

Kann ich Wimperntusche verwenden?
Ich würde euch empfehlen keine zu verwenden, weil die Mascara schnell verklumpt und der Look nicht mehr so schön aussieht. Ich trage nur Wimperntusche auf den unteren Wimpern wenn ich ausgehe um einen dramatischeren Look zu kreieren.

Werden deine eigenen Wimpern geschädigt?
Hiervor hatte ich auch ein wenig Angst bevor ich die Wimpernverlängerung bekommen habe, aber das ist eines der größten Mythen die es in diesem Gebiet gibt. Wenn die Kosmetikerin ihren Job gut macht dann sollte euren eigenen Wimpern auch nichts passieren. Bevor ihr euch also für einen Salon entscheidet würde ich mir vorher einige Bewertungen durchlesen.

Kann ich jeden Look tragen?
Leider ist die Antwort nein. Jeder Mensch hat eine andere Augenform und unterschiedliche Wimpern im Bezug auf Länge und Dicke. Wenn man sich erträumt einen dramatischen Look wie Kim Kardashian zu tragen, aber kurz und eher dünnere Wimpern hat geht das leider nicht. Ich have American volume lash - 6D, bekommen, die curl war eine Kombination aus einer C und D curl und die Länge der Verlängerung kam auf meine Wimpern an. Für meine kleinsten Wimpern betrug die Länge 8mm, die wachsenden Wimpern haben 10mm bekommen and meine längsten haben einen Mix zwischen 12 und 14mm bekommen. Die Wimpern waren von der Marke Novalash.

You might have noticed it already while looking at my snapchat story or at my Instagram pictures - I've decided to get lash extensions here in Singapore. I decided to get them because it makes the everyday life so much easier. You get up in the morning and you can leave the house just like that if you opt for a natural look and your lashes always look chic. I selected Lolita's Lash & Beauty Studio because they had good reviews online and I like that they upload before and after pictures of their clients. When I went there there was a specific look I wanted that I had seen at another customer but they told me it never looks the same on two people so you have to expect it to look a little differently. My new set was done by Jocelyn who is a certified Novalash trainer and the owner of the studio. She was very nice and helpful advising me on which look to get. We decided together on the 200/200 volume lashing which took about 2 hours to apply and cost $S250. Following sessions will take a shorter time and will cost less. 
There are some general questions people tend to ask me so I shortly answered them here:

How often do you need to get refills?
The perfect time for refills is between 3 and 4 weeks because the lash extensions are attached to a single eyelash and these fall out naturally every now and then.

Can I wear mascara?
I wouldn't advise you to wear additional mascara because it clumps easily. I only wear mascara on my bottom lashes when I go out and want a more dramatic look.

Will your natural lashes get damaged?
I was very concerned about this as well but it is actually the biggest myth about lash extensions. If they are applied properly your natural lashes will not be damaged. You only have to be sure not to rub your eyes intensely otherwise this could cause a lash loss and damage your natural lashes.

Can I wear any look?
Unfortunately the answer to this question is no. Everyone has different eye shapes as well as different lashes. You can only go a certain length longer than your natural lashes in order not to harm them. So if you were hoping to leave the salon which a dramatic Kim Kardashian look and have very thin and short eyelashes your dreams might get crushed. I used American volume lash - 6D, the curl was a combo of a C and D curl and the lash length depended on my lash. For my baby lash the length was 8mm, the growing lashed got 10mm and my mature lashed got 12 and 14mm lashes. The brand used was Novalash which I can only recommend so far.

I hope you liked the review and if you have any further questions, post them in the comments section!



New Years Resolution 2016 - Travel Southeast Asia

The new year has started and almost everyone has made some new years resolution that they really want to fulfill this year. Two days ago I got asked what my new year's resolutions were and to be honest I didn't have any. 2015 was a great year for me filled with love, traveling and a few new good friends so there is really not a lot I want to change this year. Of course I also had my ups and downs but all in all I was really happy. The next five months I am spending in Singapore I just want to try to travel as much as possible, see new things and meet many new people from all over the world. My first travel goal will either be Kuala Lumpur, simply because it's so close or Cambodia on Chinese New Year because there is a long weekend which gives us time to go to Angkor Wat and the south of Cambodia. What are your resolutions for 2016?