It has been getting a little quiet on this blog but now that I have settled into my new apartment and started grad school this is about to change. I have so many great things to share with you guys on what happened recently and what will in the near future. Today I will share a little bit more about my experience at FAME, a trade show about clothing, shoes and accessories. Every girls dream, right?
To be more specific though, wholesalers would showcase their clothes to retailers who then bought clothing for the new season. As I went to trade shows before, I knew what the basic layout would be like but have never attended a fashion trade show - let me just say, it is way more fun than a real estate trade show.
The trade show was three days long and I was super lucky to have met Emma with who I basically roamed around the trade show with and met new brands every day.
Me and Emma (@thefashionhotbox) | Photo credit: @brittanny
On day 1, I met with some other fashion bloggers who were also invited to join the trade show and mingle with the brands. I love meeting other bloggers who are in the mid-tier with whom you can exchange experiences and some advice (as you might know blogging doesn't just constitute having brunch and taking cute pictures but it is essentially also a business). That day Emma and I pretty much talked to half of the brands and I found a lot of brands I haven't previously heard of, such as Lush and LA Cotton Candy.
Photo credit: @britanny
On day 2, which was also my birthday we got a little makeover by Charlie Riddle, who was working the show on behalf of Jane Cosmetics (their blush is amazing!) and Emma and I went and talked to the brands we haven't covered the day before. That's also when Emma and I discovered LA Cotton Candy (one of my new favorite brands, I will be showing you amazing pieces soon!). While I was browsing through multiple brands though that day I noticed that many brands carry pieces some independent stores in New York carry - now I don't want to name any brands but I would like to point out that although the store 'Necessary Clothing' might come across as a little trashy it has the SAME exact clothes as a higher end store just around the corner in Soho. Whereas Necessary Clothing prices their clothes at around $30 - $60, the other store prices their pieces at $120 - $180. I just want to point this out because you can find great pieces at all price margins even if you need to dig through a few pieces before you find that one great piece.
On the last day, we pretty much just hung out and talked about which brands we liked the most and what we thought the new trend was after seeing all the different brands exhibit. There was definitely a lot of lace involved - lace bustiers, dresses and jumpsuits. It was difficult not to grab everything and just fly somewhere warm because who really likes 50 degree weather right? Another one of my favorite brands was Cello - next to amazing jeans they also have jeans jackets like the one below - I love wearing catchy jackets with cute sayings and prints on the back. This was definitely such a great and fun show, I hope to be going again next year.
See you next year at Fame, hopefully!
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